Saturday 20 April 2013

What a good day!

SPRING has finally come! It has been a long time since I wrote on the blog, but I'm finally in the mood to do it...=) I'm the fan of spring and summer, so winter really makes me crazy with all these heavy clothes on, with all this cold and grey weather... So now I'm really glad that I can finally put some bright and pretty clothes on... We spent this day making really nice and also fun photos, and at the end of the day I realized that all you need to feel yourself better is a good spring weather, good mood and a lot of smiles!=)

the sun is as warm as in spring...

Remember, a lot of smiles!=)
I wish you all a warm spring feeling in your hearts!

My outfit:
Skirt - House
Shirt - Colins
Boots - Bata
Jacket - Piazza Italia
Sunglasses - Avanglion
Earrings - Accessorize

Photos by Antony =*